Friday, May 6, 2011

Work Cited

Symbol Analysis

In the move The Shining there are many different things that i saw as symbolic. There is one part when Wendy is walking around the hotel and she hears Jack yelling and moaning. Wendy runs to wake him and when he wakes up he tells her he had the worse dream of his life he said he dreamt he had killed her and Danny with an ax. I saw this scene trying to represent foreshodowing. There was a man who was the caretaker of the hotel before Jack and he went mad. He killed his entire family. I feel like him spilling his drink on Jack was for him to get the chance to tell Jack about his destiny and how he has always been meant to be the caretaker of the Overlook hotel. In the end there in a photo of Jack at a grand ball and it was taken in the 20s showing us that he had been there before  and is reliving the whole thing.


The Overlook Hotel
Built in the early part of the twentieth century, the Overlook hotel has been repeatedly sold and purchased, resulting in a vast history of intrigue and death. The ghosts of the Overlook's past come to life in the minds of the Torrance family because of Danny's "shine". This eventually causes complete breakdown of the family and of the family's mental state. In the end Jack ends up frozen.

237 there is a very specific room that Danny and the cook talked about. The cook tells Danny not to go to that room and he ends up going into it anyways. The room is haunted by a older women who died in the bath tub. There is a really cool scene where Jack sees the women as a beautiful model looking women and he kisses her. As he looks in the mirror he sees that he is kissing a rotting old women.


Danny Torrance- a five years old boy with physic powers. He is an only child and he has an imaginary friend named Tony who he talks to every time he gets scared. He explains to people that Tony lives in his mouth and hides in his stomach. He asks Tony about the Outlook hotel and Tony shows him a picture of a section of the hotel being drenched with blood like a gush of water in a flowing river. When he is shown things by Tony he faints and sometimes can not remember what he saw.

Jack Torrance- is a raging alcoholic, he has a major temper, he is fired from a teaching job because of it. He is attempting to write a novel and jumps on the opportunity to be secluded for five months. I feel like he had good intentions for him and his family in the beginning before he went crazy and try to ax done his family. He ends up being so deperate for a drink he even offered to sale his soul for just one beer.

Wendy Torrance-She is a loving caring person. She believes in her family working she forgave Jack after he broke Danny's arm she strongly believes he will get better and they will be a happy family.

Dick Hallorann- Kind older African American cook who helps Danny put a name to his abilities.


"The Shining" is a supernatural thriller, that is about a five-year-old, Danny Torrance who has a special power which is referred to in the movie as the "shine", and his family. The family moves into the Overlook hotel for the winter. The family already had problems as it is and this did not help things get better at all. Jack Torrance, Danny's father is a writer and he thought by going to such a secluded place it would help him concentrate and get some work done. Jack Torrance also has drinking problems he once had an accident which caused Danny to dislocate his shoulder. After that Jack promised to stop drinking for good. After a month of being at the Overlook hotel Jack begins to loose his mind. He is haunted by the ghost of a man who was once the caretaker before him. The man lost his mind and ended up killing his wife and two daughters. He then took a shot gun and shot himself in the head. The ghost of the two young girls haunt Danny. Danny tries to make contact with the cook who has the shine also, to come help him and his mother. Jack is told by a ghost that his son was doing it and it made him upset. Jack ends up killing the cook. He attempts to kill his wife Wendy and Danny but is not successful. In the end it shows him chasing after Danny in this wonderful maze right outside the hotel. He couldn't find his way out so he ended up freezing to death.

The Shining

This scene is the reason i became interested in this movie in the first place. I love the visuals of it all. When children are used in a movie i find that way more scarier than an actual ax murderer. I have always secretly wished that i was able to contact the other side. I very much so believe there are things beyond our control.I love the entire story line. All the things that lead up to the end was so interesting. The whole thing about a guy going crazy being a caretaker at a hotel is very interesting to me. I have been watching this movie since i was a child. It scared the crap out of me. I like older horror movies they have better effects.