Friday, May 6, 2011


"The Shining" is a supernatural thriller, that is about a five-year-old, Danny Torrance who has a special power which is referred to in the movie as the "shine", and his family. The family moves into the Overlook hotel for the winter. The family already had problems as it is and this did not help things get better at all. Jack Torrance, Danny's father is a writer and he thought by going to such a secluded place it would help him concentrate and get some work done. Jack Torrance also has drinking problems he once had an accident which caused Danny to dislocate his shoulder. After that Jack promised to stop drinking for good. After a month of being at the Overlook hotel Jack begins to loose his mind. He is haunted by the ghost of a man who was once the caretaker before him. The man lost his mind and ended up killing his wife and two daughters. He then took a shot gun and shot himself in the head. The ghost of the two young girls haunt Danny. Danny tries to make contact with the cook who has the shine also, to come help him and his mother. Jack is told by a ghost that his son was doing it and it made him upset. Jack ends up killing the cook. He attempts to kill his wife Wendy and Danny but is not successful. In the end it shows him chasing after Danny in this wonderful maze right outside the hotel. He couldn't find his way out so he ended up freezing to death.

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