Friday, May 6, 2011

Symbol Analysis

In the move The Shining there are many different things that i saw as symbolic. There is one part when Wendy is walking around the hotel and she hears Jack yelling and moaning. Wendy runs to wake him and when he wakes up he tells her he had the worse dream of his life he said he dreamt he had killed her and Danny with an ax. I saw this scene trying to represent foreshodowing. There was a man who was the caretaker of the hotel before Jack and he went mad. He killed his entire family. I feel like him spilling his drink on Jack was for him to get the chance to tell Jack about his destiny and how he has always been meant to be the caretaker of the Overlook hotel. In the end there in a photo of Jack at a grand ball and it was taken in the 20s showing us that he had been there before  and is reliving the whole thing.

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